Rhythm Coach

Music making of any kind involves coordinated movement. And the coordination of any skilled movement you learn and carry out is incumbent upon your ability to perceive time. (By definition, without this element of time perception, “coordinated” movement couldn’t exist.) If you’re unable to perceive time vividly, accurately and flexibly, both the specific motor skills for playing your instrument (as well as the overall coordination that supports those skills), will be working sub-optimally.

Problems with technique (including tone, attack and articulation) are also problems with time and rhythm. In my teaching experience, I’ve come to find that there are two categories of musicians with time/rhythm problems: Those who know that they have problems specifically related to their perception of time/rhythm; and those who haven’t yet realized that the specific problems they are experiencing with technique are  time/rhythm-related problems.

After years of teaching the Alexander Technique to musicians, coupled with my continuous fascination with (and study of) time and rhythm as a musician, I’ve developed a science-based, methodical approach designed to help you improve your sense of time, while simultaneously helping you to expand your skills with rhythm, meter and feel. This work has been informed by, and is constantly updated by, my studies in neuroscience, kinesiology and cognitive science (as well as by my experience as both teacher and student of the Alexander Technique).

By using a proprietary assessment process, I’ll analyze and determine the nature and source of any challenges you might be having with time and rhythm (and how this might be affecting your coordination, and vice versa), and how to proceed in order to effectively address these challenges.

I’ll then prescribe a course of study designed especially for you, based upon your specific needs and skills (no matter what ability level you are as a musician). In addition to our one-on-one work (whether in person, or via Skype, FaceTime, etc.), you’ll also get specific exercises to practice and explore in order to help you improve in a logical and progressively measurable way. The work is designed to help you build skill and confidence in small, easily mastered increments, each new skill building upon the previously mastered skills.

You’ll also get handouts for reference, as well as specific “assigned” readings to help you better understand how your brain/body perceives time and rhythm. As you progress though the exercises, you’ll not only improve your skill and confidence with time, but will also cultivate rhythmic skills that will make you a better musician, no mater the genre or style. You’ll become a better sight-reader, and will be significantly more reliably equipped to approach any unfamiliar styles of music you might encounter as a musician.

And if you have no perceptible problems with time, but would like to significantly improve your rhythmic skills, the work from Rhythm Coach  can put you well on your way to reaching your goals. If you’re an improvising musician, expanding your skill, understanding and experience with rhythm (including polyrhythms), meter (both odd meters and polymeter) and feel, will open you up to a whole new world of melodic and expressive possibilities. And even if you’re exclusively an interpretive musician, expanding your skill with time and meter will make you that much more confident and strong as a musician.

I offer an introductory package that includes three, one-hour, one-on-one sessions (the initial assessment/prescription, plus two other sessions to track progress and redirect efforts), along with a written evaluation and prescription for progress. You’ll also have access to the handouts and notated exercises I’ve composed for you to study and explore. In addition, you’ll have access to me via email for any questions and concerns you encounter through your studies. Price for this package is $245 USD. Please contact me to set up an appointment or to learn more. Click here when you’re ready to purchase.

I also offer a single, initial consultation to trouble-shoot your problems/challenges (about 80-90 minutes in length) including a written assessment and a prescribed entry point for addressing them for $120 USD. Please contact me to set up an appointment or to learn more. Click here when you’re ready to purchase.

Any additional one-on-on consultations remotely (Zoom, FaceTime) for ongoing work can be purchased for $70 USD. Please contact me to set up an appointment or to learn more. Click here when you’re ready to purchase.