Here’s another way to connect triad pairs, this time by using the augmented scale.
The augmented scale is constructed from two different augmented chords that are a minor third apart. For example, C Aug combined with Eb Aug. It is organized into a six-tone (hexatonic) scale as follows: C, Eb, E natural, G, G# (Ab) and B, and has a very distinctive color with lots of natural tension and interesting contours.
You can also organize the tones of the augmented scale into diatonic (major and minor) triad pairs, and use these pairs to create some strong sounding melodic lines over dominant chords moving to tonic. In this etude I do this with triad pairs from two different augmented scales. Take a look at the sample below:

In the first measure I use the scale mentioned about above (C Aug and Eb Aug), and organize it into an E Major and a C Minor triad pair. In the next measure I simply transpose the original scale up a half step and organize it into a C# Minor and F Major triad pair. You’ll note some of the altered tensions over the G7 chord: G# functioning as enharmonic version of an Ab (the -9), the Eb (-13) and the C# (+11).
Each triad pair moves into the next one by a half step, creating a flowing contour. The third and fourth measure complete the line with some outlining of the C Maj7 chord. The net result is a melody that weaves inside and outside of various degrees of tension, finally resolving to tonic. It has more of a “modern” sound, though there are some standard bebop elements in the last two measures.
If you’d like a comprehensive approach to using triad pairs, please consider my ebook, Encyclopedia of Triad Pairs.
If you’d like to further explore the concept of organizing the augmented scale into diatonic triad pairs that move from dominant to tonic, please consider my ebook, Augmented Scale Diatonic Triad Pairs.
Click the link below to download the free pdf of this etude:
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