Diminished Scale Diatonic Triad Pairs

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“Really loving Bill Plake’s Diminished Scale Diatonic Triad Pairs book. I mean really loving it for a few different reasons. First, the stuff is not the kind of theory that collects dust. It is very easy to apply, and these patterns pack a serious punch. The second reason is because it helps to see the same old chords in completely new ways, and it opens your ears like no other practice book. Hands down the best book I’ve ever gotten for the price. It is rich with content and a blast to shed!”

-Teddy Meyer, tenor saxophonist, Los Angeles

“Such a simple concept, but with so many possibilities! Gives me immdeiate access to lots of substitutions over dominant chords. Plus, that ‘direct’ sound of the major and minor triad pair combination is so strong. Just grabs you by the ears! Great book!”
Alan Weiss, guitarist, Boston
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For all treble clef instruments. Downloadable in pdf format, 73 pagesPrice: $15.95

If you’re familiar with the diminished scale, you probably know that it is one of the most used (and sometimes over used) scales in jazz improvisation. In this book you’ll learn to avoid many of the well-worn cliches with this scale by reorganizing it into secondary diatonic triads (major and minor). By combining these triads into pairs (and combinations of pairs), you’ll find nearly endless new ways to play through this scale, altering its color in subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) ways. With this book you’ll:

  •  Learn how to think, hear and resolve the diminished scale from dominant 7th  chords to tonic in surprising new ways
  • Broaden your understanding of how triad pair combinations are used in improvisation (and gain immediate access to dozens of triad pairs)
  • Gain more insight into upper partial harmonic relationships and substitutions
  • Be able to create modes for improvisation from combined triad pairs
  • Expand your aural imagination and challenge your ears
  • Get a wealth of new ideas for playing over standard songs and other chord changes
  • Increase your technical ability and improvisational fluency

This book will work optimally for you if you have at least a basic understanding of the of the construction and application of the diminished scale. For all treble clef instruments. Downloadable in pdf format, 73 pages. Price: $15.95

Click the links below for a pdf SAMPLE PAGE from the book, and for a midi sound file of the page for you to listen to:

Diminished Scale Diatonic Triad Pairs sample-pdf

Diminished Scale Diatonic Triad Pairs sample-midi

If you’d like to gain more of an idea about the concept, format, benefits and practice guidelines found in the book, click the link below for a pdf copy of the INTRODUCTION CHAPTER:

Diminished Scale Diatonic Triad Pairs Introduction Chapter-pdf

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If you have any questions about the material in this book, or are having problems downloading the pdf, please contact me. I’ll get back to you promptly. Thanks! And please know that when you place your order (through PayPal), you should immediately receive the link for the actual download from WordPress (not PayPal). So check your spam folder, etc., if you don’t seem to be able to find it. And again, if you have any problems at all, let me know!

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